ground swell
Created this sculpture and subjects’ wardrobe for this digital video piece.

Groundswell, 2018
Digital Video | 11 min 43 sec
In collaboration with Kelsey Kramer, Lexi Thrash, Allistar Johnson, Mika Mintz, Amber Schmeising

May we find no rest in false houses, View 1
wood, metal, fabric
7' H x 5' W x 7.25' L

May we find no rest in false houses, View 2
wood, metal, fabric
7' H x 5' W x 7.25' L

May we find no rest in false houses, Detail 1
wood, metal, fabric
7' H x 5' W x 7.25' L

May we find no rest in false houses, Detail 2
wood, metal, fabric
7' H x 5' W x 7.25' L